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Cell phone with Shoppers Confidential Logo and MobiAudit Logo
Kyla BroughtonMay 26, 2020 8:34:18 AM1 min read

Mystery Shopping Is Now Easier, With An App!

Mystery shopping has never been easier, as now you can mystery shop right from your smart phone!

mystery shopping on the go with our app!

Download our MobiAudit app from Google Play or the iStore for FREE! 

*Please keep an eye out for *NEW UPDATES* that are coming soon with MobiAudit 6.0*

The app will allow you to complete the survey, upload photos and enter information on the go while it is fresh in your mind.  Please keep in mind that although this is an app, proper language skills are still required in your report.

After you download the app, you will asked for your username, password and server URL.

Shoppers Confidential’s company URL on MobiAudit is:


Is There Another Option?

Yes, we are linked with the GigSpot network where you can sign up to shop with multiple different Mystery Shopping Providers at the same time.

If you are interested in joining us as a shopper through the GigSpot network, you can create an account one their website, or by downloading the app in the Google Play Store or the Apple iStore.

As always, you can use our portal site on your mobile phone, but it will not be as user friendly as the apps will.


How Can This Help Me?

Being able to enter information into your surveys quickly on your phone (after the assignment and away from client view of course).  This cuts down on your reporting time and ensures that details are fresh in your mind to submit a report that is as accurate as possible.  You can also take photos directly from the app and they will upload directly into your survey which can save a lot of time and issues.


How Can I Sign Up As A Shopper?

If you would like to register as a shopper with us to enjoy Auditing or Mystery Shopping on the go, visit our shoppers page to get started!