Popular Industries
Mystery Shopping For Government Agencies
Allow Shoppers Confidential as a third-party to monitor and report on deliverables.
From Municipal, Provincial and Federal Governments; DMV to Crown Corporations, we will assist you with creating a customized Mystery Shopping program. The program is optimized to give you the information needed to measure the satisfaction of service users and implement continuous improvement plans.
Our trained and certified mystery shoppers act as your eyes and ears. They’ll visit your establishment under the guise of a typical customer, and report back their experience.
Do you really know what’s happening on the front line of your company, especially when you’re not available? Just one employee’s poor performance could waste the millions of dollars you spend getting and keeping your customers. (Quoted by Baron Hilton of Hilton Hotels).
Our Mystery Shopping Programs will give you a detailed, objective, and accurate view of your business from your customers perspective.
Want the scoop on the competition?
Mystery Shoppers will shop your competition and provide you with the “competitive edge!” Compare your sales and service strategies and stay one-step ahead.
Do you sell alcohol or tobacco products?
Protect yourself, your employees, and your business. Ensure all government compliant Identification procedures are being followed appropriately, and as required. A mystery shopper (of legal age) but still under 21 (or 25) makes a purchase, and reports whether the proper identification was requested.
Our Compliance Program provides invaluable peace of mind!
Do you have concerns about shrinkage or employee integrity issues that you’re not sure how to address?
We’ll work with you to develop a program to help identify and control the issue, and assist with incorporating a solution.
Does your business offer customers the old paper method to express their thoughts to you?
Why not give your customers choice and the convenience of providing their comments online? You may then generate statistical reports from the information collected, and save you and your employees time having to manually enter and analyze the data.
An excellent choice for restaurants, bars, convenience, beer and liquor stores.
This program takes the Compliance Program one step further. *Agents and **Decoys visit your establishment together. A Customer Sales and Service audit is performed. The agent takes the lead by requesting an alcohol beverage or tobacco product, followed by the Decoy.
Are your staff serving minors simply because they are accompanied by someone of the age of majority?
*Agent = mystery shopper who has reached the age of majority in your province. **Decoy = minor who is approaching the age of majority.
Often the only chance you have to make a grade-A first impression is via the telephone.
Are your employees treating in-bound calls as an opportunity, not as an interruption or nuisance? Our certified mystery shoppers evaluate the greeting, telephone manner, helpfulness, courtesy, and sales skills. Telephone evaluations are of immeasurable value to Call Centers and Retailers. Calls may also be recorded upon request.
This program entails Customer Sales and Service visits to your establishment. Once the mystery shopper has completed and gathered all of the information they need to know, the employee can either be rewarded on the spot by the mystery shopper, or rewarded at a later date.
Rewards are limited only by your imagination. We can help pick the perfect reward for you.
Learn vicariously through your employees’ experience!
Besides yourself, no one knows your company better than your employees. Are they happy? Do they have a great idea to improve morale and sales? Surveys are tailored to discover the information you need to maintain a successful employer/employee relationship. Surveys may be administered anonymously or otherwise.
Our certified shoppers visit your website and evaluate every element including selling tactics, checking out (purchase), returns, ease of use, and appeal to target audience/market.
Whether it be Municipal, Provincial, Federal or even Crown Corporation organizations of agencies, the Voice of the Customer program will help ensure that professionalism and customer service is maintained. Our series of surveys, focus groups, and interviews can help identify issues or roadblocks when it comes to customer experience.
Correlating the online reviews and customer feedback with your Mystery Shopping program has never been simpler with our all-in-one portal. View and aggregate data from your Mystery Shop program and your online reviews and feedback in one place. Respond to and interact with your reviewers while examining the data. Reward and celebrate your top performers while creating action plans within the system to help all locations rise to the top.