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We're In This Together: Re-Opening In The New Normal

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Re-Opening In The New Normal

Many areas have moved into re-opening phases after being forced to close their business down during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Navigating what is best to ensure the success of your business while balancing employee and customer safety is at the top of everyone's mind.  Ensuring that locations are following company outlined best practices can be daunting and overwhelming too.   It can also lead to many questions because we, as a society, have never been in this position before.

Some Questions Your Business May Have

  • Are the notices the business posted to customers clear and visible?
  • Did we clearly define our requirements to our customers?
  • Are there clear markings or indicators within the store?  Have they worn out?
  • Are the ground-floor staff upholding company policies?  Can we monitor this in off-management hours?
  • Are customers following the directions?  If not, are the directions not clear?
  • What are the insights from my customers on our re-opening practices?
  • Do employees feel safe at work?
  • Do customers feel safe shopping here?
  • What are my competitors doing in comparison?
  • What can we do better, if anything?

We can help your business create and define a re-opening program to help answer all of these questions and gain the insights your business needs to thrive, not just survive.


How Can We Do This Together?

Many of the products and tools we can package into a customized program work together to create actionable, measurable, insights holistically. 

  • Reporting what is factually occurring in the location through mystery shopping
  • Offering your customers a survey through VoC to ensure their feedback is captured
  • Connecting with your employees to ensure their voices are heard and respected
  • Monitoring and interacting with reviews and comments on Social Media
  • Omni-channel check-ups to ensure that your brand is delivering its best digitally and onsite
  • What are my direct competitors doing?  How can we rise above and delight our customers? 

What Is The Cost of Investment?

We are all in this together, and we know that while these insights are important, post-pandemic budgets look different.  We feel strongly about the importance of ensuring the health and safety of your employees and customers.  Therefore, we have created a very budget-friendly program for anyone to start with and we encourage you to contact us today to see how we can serve you and your business best.

Contact Us Or Schedule A Meeting